Monday, June 23, 2014

Using dispatch_block_t to make the function

- (void)doAnimation:(NSSet *)chains completion:(dispatch_block_t)completion;

=> This work perfect on the way.

You will do the block completion after all the action in the function doAnimation done.
It is amazing.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Heroic Strike


This game is simple, you choose the side that have more item and get score.
* Playing Mode:
- Just choose what side have more item and you collect these weapon. With equal number, you will get all items on 2 sides, this is an extra items for you.
* Gallery:
- Total weapon you get will be here. 

* Fighting Mode:
- This time is the time you will fight for your skill. All symbols that you collect from playing mode will be used to fight again the monsters from forests.
+ Skill:
- Heal: Recover your heath
- Attack: Normal Attack that is weak but no cost for this skill
- Heroic Strike: Strongest damage in this game that can be multiple by 5 -10 times your Attack but it will cost some symbol or will be recover very slow.
- Revive: Your health is lower than 0 and you die. Just use this skill to come back to the fight and continues protect your love things.

Spider with poison and high stamina

Normal Spider and easy to kill

Armour Spider with high Stamina and deadly bite

Deadly Bee with high chance to avoid your attack

Spider from the forest

I am project leader and my partner, Hung Nguyen.

Now begin your adventure with "Heroic Strike"

Collection Items for your upgrade

Getting score for your single game

Try to get more score with single games

Waiting for starting fight

Faster and get better score

Link to download: Start your adverture

Support Ipad (iPhone will be support soon).

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Space Game for Kid

The collection of game that can help your kid develop their skill and have fun.

 There are 11 games that can help children to develop:
 - Space Object
 - Shadow of an object
 - Dimension
 - Top view of an object
 It is fun and your child can learn passive with these games. After all, these are not just games this is vitamin for your child brain.